January 31, 2019


We are very excited to be building a new workshop, which starts in a few weeks. This has been a long held dream and it's finally coming together! The foundations are done and the workshop will take two days to build plus all the insulation, lining, electrics, building the shelves and benches. It will be shiplap finish and stained black, much like these log cabins here - inspiration from around the world.

The one with the red windows is from the Faroe Islands - I visited there when I was a toddler (so don't remember it), but I'd love to go back one day. The Faroe Islands are halfway between the Shetland Islands and Iceland.

Our new workshop will be completely bespoke inside, everything will have it's own purpose. On the outside, there will be a small water butt and a wooden trough for plants. A post will be coming soon of the finished workshop - in the meantime, follow us on Instagram stories for behind the scenes updates.